Weightloss Challenge 2019

Weight Loss Challenge- January and February

So I have never exactly been a skinny woman. I was a thin teen and carried that into my 20’s, but after the birth of my second child, things kind of went downhill fast.

I’ve totally yo-yo’d over the past few years and you know what? That sucks and I’m totally over it.

I’m also sick of fad diets and refuse to do them anymore. Yes, I have lost weight, but eventually gain all of it back and sometimes even more. Therefore, I feel like the only way to truly stick to my healthy life goals is to make myself accountable and you guys can help me.

How you ask? Well, I’m going to put myself out there and hopefully that will motivate me to lose weight because nothing is more motivating than being publicly embarrassed.

So without further ado, this is a brief timeline of my weight loss journey, which technically started on January 1, but I’m now making public.

The Trigger Picture – the one that made you realize that you have got to change something:

For fucks sake!! I literally have cellulite on my arm!!!

Momentum Picture- the one you take to see if any improvement is visible after diet begins

Don’t I look happy?? Man I am being raw with you all to show you what I look like fat AND without makeup. Anyways, I purposely wore the same outfit and somewhat tried to strike the same pose. At first glance, it doesn’t look like anything has changed, however, I do see some improvement. For example, arm cellulite has definitely decreased and my face is slightly thinner.

By the way, the hubs is also doing a weight loss challenge with me and he looks freaking awesome. Men!! All they have to do is like stop adding cream to their coffee and lose like 10 pounds! 🤬

Not going to lie, after working out at the gym for almost a month there, I did expect to see some more improvement, but like I said, I’m not really doing any fad diets. Just working out and eating healthier. Not perfect, because I do enjoy treats regularly, like pizza and cookies, but not everyday.

But that’s ok, because at that point, I had lost 2 pounds and although I thought it would be more after a month, it is still 2 pounds. If I continue at that trend, I would be 24 pounds lighter by December 31.

Patience is key.

However, it sucks to be trying so hard and have nobody notice all your efforts. So in February, I decided to tweak my diet a bit by adding more protein to my meals (I usually only have protein for dinner) and add 2 days of just cardio to my workout routine. In January, I mostly concentrated on toning with weights.

February Momentum Pic

So once again, not very much of a visible change, BUT, you see that bright orange top I’m wearing? That’s a LARGE!! I typically wear an XL and when I went to try on the XL, it was big on me. I’m a frequent buyer of the brand Alfani (found in Macy’s) and alway wear an XL in their tops, so to see that it was hanging a little loose on me, especially in the boob area (🙄), was a pleasant surprise.

With that being said, I realize that I have a long way to go, but I’m still on trend to a 24lb loss by December 31 because my last weigh in this weekend had me at a total 4 pound loss since January 1, which is not much, but hey… I’ll take it!

Stay tuned next month for more Momentum Pics and let me know what you all are doing to lose weight. Any tips?

Till next time, my friends!


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